High Paying US Jobs, Economic Empowerment & Revitalization of States through Federal Power |
"Critical Field" Technology Innovation & Maximized Profits on R&D and Investments |
Prevention of Biochemical and Nuclear Proliferation & Homeland Security Technologies |
International Council on Innovative Technology Commercialization |
... to energize national competitiveness, stimulate economic development at local, state and national levels, to identify future market winners and to assist them through an investment in advanced technology ... |
Economical Value Programs | Social Value Programs |
Technology Innovation Assessment |
Homeland Defense Value Assessment |
Profit Potential Assessment |
Dreaded Disease Cures, Medical Life Saving and Quality of Life Value Assessment |
Reorientation & Advisement by Field Experts | Other Critical Field Technological Innovation Considerations |
Grant Potential Assessment | Chemical, Biological & Nuclear Non-Proliferation Value Assessment |
Proper Incubation Location | Assessment of Value to African-American, Native American and Other Minority Communities |
Time and Milestones to Investment Assessment | Assessment of Value to Technologically Underprivileged Communities and States |
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