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Airborne Reconnaissance of Mines Fields


The main advantage of airborne reconnaissance of mine fields is its high efficiency and low cost. Its disadvantages include failure to detect mine fields consisting of 1 to 2 mines. They can be easily confused with other objects located on the surface. Another disadvantage is limited reconnaissance capabilities of detecting mines placed in the subsurface. In this case detection depends on the degree of disturbance of the surface by the mine. Let us consider for example one of the ways of obtaining, processing and subsequent decoding of an aerial photograph.

When resolving problems of detecting mine fields using data obtained from airborne vehicles: aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), processing can be split into a number of stages, see picture. The image of a terrain section under investigation obtained by a sensor is transformed into a digital form and is introduced into the computer. Then preliminary processing takes place to identify small-size objects (mines) and form binary images. At the final stage they resolve the tasks of identification and decision making on the existence of mine and mine fields on the terrain segment under investigation. A specific feature of this task is that following preliminary processing of images received by a sensor it is necessary to identify small-size objects on various type underlying surfaces, brightness characteristics thereof varying in a rather wide range.

You can see animation illustrating the stages of processing of the photoimage of a mine field (870 KB).