High Paying US Jobs, Economic Empowerment


Revitalization of States through Federal Power

"Critical Field" Technology Innovation 


Maximized Profits on R&D and Investments

Prevention of Biochemical and Nuclear Proliferation


Homeland Security Technologies

National Council on Innovative Technology Commercialization

International Council on Innovative Technology Commercialization

Critical Field Innovations

Commercialization Programs

About Us

Center for Commercialization of Russian Innovative Technologies


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11 min.

Vitaly L. Ginzburg  receiving his Nobel Prize from His Majesty the King at the Stockholm Concert Hall. 2003
Photo: Hans Mehlin, Nobel e-Museum


Russian scientists develop new TB, AIDS, other vaccines

Russian scientists accomplish the development of fundamentally new TB, brucellosis, typhoid, dysentery, AIDS and other vaccines, academician Viktor Kabanov said at the session of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Tuesday.

"Synthetic vaccines have fundamental difference from ordinary ones using weakened pathogens. Synthetic vaccines are based on a special polymer, Polyoxidonium, selected by Russian specialists. It reinforces immunity of the organism. If an antigen of this or that pathogen is chemically connected to this polymer it will turn not into a simple adjuvant but a vaccine to prevent this disease," the scientist said. "This is especially valuable in the case of AIDS in order not to administrate pathogens of this dangerous disease into human organism," Kabanov stressed.

"The first unique synthetic vaccine was developed by Russian scientists and has been successfully used for seven years already. This is Grippol vaccinated to 50 million people," academician Kabanov said.

"If common vaccines has a 60-percent effect, synthetic Grippol protects 90 percent of vaccinated people," said academician Rem Petrov, a creator of the new vaccines. Other vaccines tested on animals protect them even from fatal doses of relevant bacteria and viruses, Viktor Kabanov noted. Polyoxidonium is patented in the US and many European countries academician Petrov said. According to him, 10-15 years are needed to find another synthetic bio-polymer suitable for vaccines and to put it into practice. Creators of the new generation of vaccines were awarded with the Russian State Prize in 2002.



    The goal of our center is to turn Russia into a responsive and supportive ally in the US global war against terrorism through the creation of a tight commercialization bond of the Russian (and CIS) scientific hi-tech community and their great innovative & inventive technological potential with the US R&D community, the American industry and the high tech market infrastructure of the United States. 

    Russia currently lies divided between two opposing sides: the intellectual, cultural, high-tech elite community of business people and scientists with mentalities similar to those of the American people and the old militaristic, pro-communist world sympathizing with and who might potentially support pro-terrorist countries. Russia leads the world with a great number of scientists in nuclear, chemical and biological research who can be potentially persuaded and lured by terrorists, to build weapons of mass destruction for them - weapons that might be used against our soldiers, and against the United States. It is vitally important to the safety of the United States to have Russia on our side, to assist the pro-American Russian scientific community, and to help them gain more power in Russia against our enemies. By creating and growing an innovative technology commercialization partnership between Russia and the United States, we will make Russia a true ally in our fight against terror.

    "Today, Russia possesses approximately 20,000 nuclear weapons and enough weapons-grade material to fabricate over 60,000 more. Not including the United States, Russia possesses approximately 95 percent of the world's nuclear weapons and weapons-grade material, a testimony to the great resources and effort that both sides devoted in waging the cold war. These weapons and material are stored in literally hundreds of sites across Russia's 11 time zones. Making this problem even more disconcerting is the fact that Russia is unable to reliably account for its huge stock of warheads and materials, having inherited a sub-standard accounting system from the totalitarian Soviet state."

"There are over 20,000 scientists and technicians in the former Soviet Union that are considered proliferation risks." 

"Russian proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction related goods, technologies, and know-how to Iran represents a clear threat to national security."

    In addition to preventing proliferation of Russian chemical and biological weapon scientists and technologies to US enemies and in addition to creating jobs and companies in the United States and economically invigorating the United States, this collaboration will also be focused on technologies that solve main problems of the United States in the matters of National Security, Life Sciences and Homeland Security: 

  • Homeland Security: technologies for early detection and protection against terror threats (personal, explosive, nuclear, chemical and biological detection and prevention etc.); 
  • Human Health: technologies for diagnosis and treatment of life threatening and most dreaded diseases; 
  • Environmental Protection: energy preserving and environmentally clean technologies; 
  • New Market Initialization: "golden seeds" for the emerging markets (biotech, nano-technology, IT, telecom, etc.)

    The Russian scientific community already collaborates with the United States R&D community, and there are many International programs that currently try to address the non-proliferation issue of Russian weapons and R&D and that try to stabilize democracy in Russia. However all these programs have only been capable of meeting all of these problems half-way: they redirect Russian Institutions from military research to civilian research, but only for the period of time while American funding is available. None of these programs have successfully been able to create a self-sufficient self-sustaining commercialization / research ecology and there is no guaranty that these Institutes and these scientists will not return back to military research and will not be enlisted by pro-terrorist countries just after the American funding ends. Today, the American non-proliferation programs are only feeding and sustaining, but are not linking and involving the Russian research infrastructure to a great market and the high tech industrial infrastructure of the United States.

The most reliable way to involve Russia into a long-term alliance with the United States is through the creation of a comprehensive commercialization process of linking Russian Research potential with the established US market and the US Industrial Infrastructure.

The Center has started by targeting Russian applied research to the perspectives of the American market needs. It connects and introduces the Russian R&D teams to the American needs and partners, creates US companies to receive the Intellectual Property, the products and the Russian scientists, provides access to the rigorous ACI commercialization processes to the new "US" technology, and negotiates and figures out ways to make remunerate the Russian Institute and Russia for their cooperation and their original funding of the technology.



The Center includes the following groups:

Russian Innovative Project Selection Group:

American Market Relevance Group:

R&D Collaboration Group:

US Management Group:

Business Education Group:

In addition to the Centers US offices, the Center has representatives in Moscow, St Petersburg and in 43 other Regions of the Russian Federation. Through a number of solid partnerships the Center has "on the ground" access to more then 90% of "golden seed" innovations developed in Russia.

Through ACI the Center works closely with many US organizations, companies and the US government. The Center also collaborated with the Russian Science Community, the Russian Industrial Community and with the Russian Government. The success of the center depends on its partners:

The Center, a nonprofit organization, is a branch of the American Commercialization Institute. Through its activities the Center will become a self-sufficient entity and a permanent supporter of the US-Russian high-tech partnership. 




Remote Sensing Laboratory

Since 1981 the laboratory has been working on subsurface radar applications for reception of images of objects located at small depth in the ground. Automated recognition of abandoned land mines on aerial photographs, High Resolution Radar for Sounding of Buildings, Remote Controlled and Hand Held Mine Detectors.

Coat of arms

Federal Assembly - Parliament of the Russian Federation

The State DUMA

Expert-Consulting Council on National Security Problems

Investment Committee